Have you coached your Sales and Marketing Teams on Storytelling? Probably not, right?

This morning a LinkedIn friend was asking for recommendations on books on Storytelling. I love that, he took a post that said Storytelling was important, and asked specifically what he could do about it. But it got me thinking.
We usually hire Marketing personnel and assume / recruit for the storytelling talent baked in. We assume our Sales people are great communicators. But do we check what they are communicating or coach them to improve?
Storytelling (as opposed to the opposite, the Feature/Benefit Death Spiral) is hardwired into the human brain as the deepest way to make connections to facts, experiences, even each other. When we hear or read a story, our brains react as if we were there. Tell a story about the most delicious meal you ever had, and your audience can smell and even taste that meal. So imagine how the audience can react when you tell them the story of success your product/service brings.
If you feel your teams could benefit by improving their storytelling skills, let us know. We have something to help.
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